Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Exploring Film Elements and Cultural Context in The Last of Us "Long, Long Time" (Season 1, Episode 3)

Why The Last of Us' 'Long Long Time' Is a Major Contender for Best Episode  of 2023 - TV Guide 

 Television has an extraordinary ability to transport us into different worlds, immerse us in captivating narratives, and shed light on societal nuances. The Last of Us, an emotionally charged series inspired by the acclaimed video game, adeptly combines film elements with cultural context to deliver a gripping story. In this blog post, we delve into the intricacies of the episode "Long, Long Time" from the first season, uncovering its visual brilliance and its reflection of contemporary themes.

The Last of Us "Long, Long Time" seamlessly incorporates film elements that enhance the viewing experience:

  1. Cinematography and Visual Composition: The episode uses dynamic camera work to evoke emotional responses and heighten tension. Close-ups and wide shots effectively capture characters' expressions and the desolate landscapes, immersing viewers in the post-apocalyptic world.

  2. Lighting and Color Palette: The subdued and muted color palette emphasizes the bleakness of the setting, underscoring the series' theme of survival. Strategic use of lighting creates an atmosphere of uncertainty, mirroring the characters' struggles.

  3. Editing and Pacing: The editing choices impact the pacing of the episode, intensifying action sequences and allowing quieter moments to breathe. The well-crafted rhythm guides the audience through an emotional rollercoaster.

"Long, Long Time" delves into profound cultural contexts that resonate with contemporary audiences:

  1. Post-Apocalyptic Reflections: The episode offers insights into the human condition during times of crisis. As society grapples with the aftermath of a pandemic, the characters' struggles mirror our own experiences and decisions in the face of adversity.

  2. Survival and Morality: The choices characters make in their quest for survival raise questions about morality and the lengths to which individuals are willing to go. This exploration of ethical dilemmas reflects real-world challenges in navigating conflicting values.

  3. Interpersonal Bonds: The episode highlights the importance of human connection and relationships in times of despair. Amidst the chaos, characters' interactions serve as a poignant reminder of the significance of empathy, trust, and compassion.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does the cinematography in "Long, Long Time" contribute to the emotional impact of the episode? How do camera angles and framing enhance the portrayal of characters' emotions and relationships?
  2. The post-apocalyptic setting serves as a backdrop for exploring moral dilemmas. How do the characters' choices and actions reflect larger societal issues and ethical considerations? Can you draw parallels between their decisions and contemporary challenges?
  3. The Last of Us often emphasizes the importance of relationships and human connection. How do the interactions between characters in "Long, Long Time" shed light on the significance of emotional bonds and support networks, especially in times of crisis?
  4. Lastly, have you seen other episodes of this show? did you like this episode? Why/why not? 

1 comment:

  1. 1. The cinematography in this episode heavily contributes to the emotional impact. When Frank takes the wine with the pills we watch it in an over-the-shoulder shot, its close-up, and also a two-person shot, showing both Frank and Bill. Choosing the over-the-shoulder part is rather significant because the audience can tell that Bill is watching Frank knowing this will kill him, this makes everything much more real and sorrowful. The closeness of the shot is what brings it together. You can see Frank’s hesitation but at the same time his sureness that this is the right call. Before he drinks it he makes eye contact with Bill, they both know this is their last moment together and we can see the sadness on Franks's face to give up his life with Bill.

    2.In The Last of Us, it is normal to kill without thinking or hesitation, whether it be a zombie or a human. You have to think about yourself because it is not easy to survive in this world and one wrong decision may cost you your life.


    In this new world, it is common for people to be extremely defensive, protective, violent, and wary of others. Bill showcases that when he finds Frank in the hole and even after realizing he is human he still takes precautions (he held a weird thing up to his neck I am not sure what it is). Frank was in a distraught state and even said he hadn't eaten in days but Bill was still hesitant to let Frank into his home and told him to go away. Bill eventually gave in and he and Frank became very close lovers, in one scene Bill stated he was never happy or had a purpose before he met Frank, he was satisfied with his life and they died peacefully together. This relationship emphasizes the importance of connection because it shows how much one person can change and open up if they show a little bit of trust like how Bill did. This connection didn't just bring a happy fulfilling life but also practical things like more resources. It gave Frank a home and while in that home he started to trade with Joel and his friend, Bill would’ve never trusted outsiders without Frank’shelp. They were able to access materials they would've never had before.

    4.I loved this show and watched it when it first came out. From my knowledge, it's based on a video game but I never played it after watching the show it made me want to play. I remember this episode vividly because it was so touching and sad, even though I had already watched it and knew what would happen I had to hold back my tears in class. I think any show that can invoke such feelings is amazing.
